Current teaching duties (USMB)
- Coordinator of the CMI Modélisation Mathématique et Simulation Numérique (MMSN) (since 2018)
- Coordinator of the second year of master Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Appliquée (MMAA) (since 2021)
- Lecture and practicals on Monte Carlo methods, Master 2 MMAA
- Lecture and practicals on Time series, Master 1 MMAA
- Lecture and Practicals on Inferential statistics, L3 MATH
- Lecture and practicals on Probability and Statistics, ENSAM
Previous teaching duties (USMB)
- Coordinator of the Licence MIASHS Géographie (2014-2018)
- Lecture and practicals on Stochastic modelisation in Finance, Master 2 IDESSE
- Practicals on Stochastic Simulation, Master 2 IDESSE
- Lecture and practicals on Probability, Master 1 MEEF
- Practicals on Probability and Statistics, L3 MIASHS
- Practicals on Numerical methods, L3 MATH
- Practicals on Inferential Statistics, L3 MIASHS
- Practicals on Probability, L2
- Lecture and Practicals on Statistics, L1
- Lectures and Practicals on Scientific Calculus, L2